OUR MISSION: Improving the conditions of the poorest of the poor
OUR VISION: To create a better living conditions a more environmentally friendly society.
OUR STRATEGY: SAVE-UK and SAVE-INDIA always works in collaboration with well established and well respected local NGOs who work at the grass root level. It chooses its partner NGOs after undertaking the Due Diligence process, e.g. looking at the legitimacy and credibility of the organisations, their annual reports and audited annual accounts, the details of the funding agencies supporting them and finally going through the feedback from the beneficiaries by visiting the project sites and meeting the ultimate stakeholders, i.e. the people living in the project area. The projects are designed in collaboration with the local NGOs and the beneficiaries before we decide to fund them. We also arrange to monitor our funded projects by our appointed monitor. SAVE-UK has been working with the voluntary sectors in India since 1994 and in all these years it has strictly followed the above modus operandi.